Amber's Crazy Super Super Senior Year Around the World!!!

Friday, January 27, 2006

I'm having a slight panic attack . . .

No sooner do I begin to get really excited about leaving on my trip, put my clothes in a suitcase, go shopping for odds and ends, than the shit hits the fan.

About an hour ago, I get a phone call from my financial aid department stating that they won't be able to dispurse my student loans because I graduated in December. I was supposed to graduate in December. But, I didn't. I post-poned it. I've been working with people at school to get together this study abroad for the past couple months. So, I called the registrar. Sure enough, they went ahead and posted my graduation back in December.

I explained the situation to the lady who heads graduation. She is going to see what she can do and get back to me. I hope she calls soon. I'm having a slight panic attack. I'm trying to stay calm. I know that I'm going to Argentina no matter what. I might have to take an emergency loan. But, however I need to do it, I'm leaving on Monday as planned.


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