Amber's Crazy Super Super Senior Year Around the World!!!

Friday, February 03, 2006

Hola From Fabulous Beunos Aires!!!


Today is Friday and also ¨move in¨day with the host ¨mom¨. I will be really sad to leave the hostel. I´ve had such a blast here and met so many people. Yesterday I spent the day wandering different parts of the city. I also visited the Recoleta (a.k.a. city of the dead) which is the old, georgous cemetary created completely of intricate and varied mosuleums. That was really neat. I am sure that I will be back several times before I leave. I think it´s the type of place you could visit many times and never feel like you´ve really seen everything just because it´s so amazing.

In the evening, I met up with a gaggle of people (a random mixture of Aussies and Europeans, oh and one other American also coming to study at Belgrano) up on the rooftop bar and we ended up heading off to dinner and clubbing. There were fourteen of us. We split for dinner and my group shared a couple BBQ platters. I stuck with the chicken and steak and passed on the blood sausage and tripe. Then, we all met up at a club called ¨69¨. It was a huge club and there was a drag show going on on various stages ect. It was really crazy and actually loads of fun. At around 5 a.m., I threw in the towel and headed back to the hostel for a bit (3 whole hours) of sleep. YAAAAYYYY!!!!

Now, I´ve just woken up and I need to get my things packed up. I´m not transferring to the home until the afternoon, but I need to check out of the hostel. Not sure what I´ll do this afternoon. I´ve done a terrible job at taking pictures. Unfortunately, the only time I´ve bothered is at the cemetary. No pics of all the peps I went out with. I just don´t want to bother. Oh well. I´ll have to keep it all on memories. A bit nervous about meeting my host mom.

Going out with Ben again this evening. Really looking forward to it!

Also, got a local cell phone yesterday. I will e'mail around the number.

Take care,


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