Amber's Crazy Super Super Senior Year Around the World!!!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

My First Day of School . . .

Well, I´ve made it through my first day of school!!! I had class from 9 30 til 2 30 with two short breaks. My teacher taught us entirely in Spanish, using barely a handful of words in English for the whole class. It was actually really neat. Somehow I was able to understand what she was saying and really got a ton out of the class. We learned so much today. I´m going to go home and study everything for a couple of hours. I really want to learn, so I´m going to take this seriously.

Still getting acquianted with my neighborhood. Went to the grocery store yesterday to get some wine and a notebook. Also, took my clothes to the laundry. Somehow I got through all this with body language, si, no, and gracias!!! I can´t wait until I can really hold a conversation in Spanish. After school today, I explored the mall which is about a block and a half from my house. It is really big with tons of shops. I just love this city. It is farmiliar in the sense that you see Kodak, Pepsi, McDonalds, and Blockbuster and can order in Chinese, Greek, and Pizza, but it is different in the language, culture, and obviously the surroundings (which are indescribably vibrant, classic, and beautiful). The weather is also perfect. It´s like late spring. It´s warm and sunny, but there is a breeze that goes through the city keeping it comfortable. In the evening, it cools down so that you could wear a light sweater. It´s just perfect. I don´t think I´ll ever want to come home!

Well, that´s it for now. I think that I´m going to be a good girl and stay in and study and get to bed early this evening.


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