Amber's Crazy Super Super Senior Year Around the World!!!

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

I'm Finally Off! Hello From Somewhere in the Ocean Between the Bahamas and Venezuela.

Well, here I am . . . I’m on the ship cruising towards Venezuela. The surrealness of it all is starting to fade away and I’m starting to realize that this is actually happening now. We pulled out of Nassau at 5 p.m. last night and officially started our adventure! Pulling out was exciting. The ship would honk it’s horn and everyone would cheer. There were lots of parents running down the pier after the ship and waving goodbye. One mother even hired a jet ski and pulled right next to the ship as we were pulling out and screamed, "I love you _______." It was really funny and cool.

The Specs

The ship is amazing! There are tons of gorgeous common rooms, two nice dining rooms, lots of deck space including a pool deck, and a beautiful spa with the most gorgeous Grecian spa room that I've ever seen. It seemed like it was really rocking last night after we got going. I’m glad that I popped by sea sickness meds in time. Sleeping was amazing though, being rocked to sleep by the ship. Today, I am still working on getting my sea legs, but I’m feeling the motion much less. My equilibrium is still a little off though.

My room is great. It's tiny and yet somehow amazingly spacious. There are two tiny beds, two closets, two nightstands, a vanity, a little table and chairs, a tv, a little refrigerator, and a little bathroom. There is plenty of room for everything that my roommate and I brought. We've already decorated it really cute with our world maps and our pictures from home. We both agree that it's really cozy. We'll see how we feel about the size after fifteen weeks and the accumulation of nine ports worth of crap for two people.

My roommate’s name is Courtney. She is a junior from New York. She is really chill and nice. Plus, she brought a lifetime supply of crystal light. So, I think this is going to work out well. Actually, I think that it’s fate that we’re roommates. I met her in the cab on the way over to the ship yesterday and we were talking about wondering what our roommates would be like and hoping they were neat and had a good attitude. During check in we kept talking and were hanging out. We even took a picture together in front of the ship on the way in. When we got up to check-in, it turned out that we were roommates. I couldn’t believe it at first. But, it was true. Of all the 690 students aboard, we were roommates. It was completely random and I still can’t believe it happened that way. Although, I think it’s a pattern, because this ship seems to create random situations that are a little mind blowing.

The food is really good. There were several choices at all meals and it all seemed to be good and of good quality. I won’t tell you what I eat every day, but I know that you’re probably interested to get an idea right now. So, for dinner last night, I had a nice salad with all the fixings, a pesto pasta, green beans, and a roll. For breakfast I had hash browns, watermelon, and cinnamon raison toast. There were tons of other choices too. I hope that I don’t gain weight on this trip.

So, besides getting myself unpacked, trying to stay standing without staggering like a drunk, running around the ship trying to remember 689 students’ names, and eating we had a safety drill last night (where we had to put on long sleeves, long pants, closed toe shoes and our life vests and proceed to the decks for roll call) and several orientation meetings held last night and today. Tomorrow we start classes. I only have class from 8-10:35 tomorrow. So, it should be a pretty mellow day. I had a little break from 10 til about 2 today but then we have more meetings from 2-9. So for now I’ll say goodbye and best wishes. We will arrive in Venezuela on Saturday. I may update before then. Otherwise, I’ll be trekking through the rainforest from Saturday until Tuesday and will update after I return and recoup a little.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005


Well, it's finally time. Here I am waiting in the lobby with my luggage. By the way, the wheel on the suitcase that I am sitting on broke. So, dragging all my luggage to the ship myself is going to be a blast! I'm so just laughing at the bumps on the road at this point. And, it has nothing to do with only five hours of sleep. I'm just so excited to get started that a stupid suitcase wheel isn't going to get me down. This picture was literally taken ten minutes ago. I am finishing up a few on-line things on my lap top (wireless internet in the lobby) and waiting for some people who I said that I'd meet out here to catch cabs together. In less than two hours I will be on the ship! I'll send a quick update when I can. Bon Voyage to me!!! Love to all of you!

P.S. I was just informed that there may be a problem with the message board, so I'll try to check it out when I have a chance.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Semester at Sea Takes Over Paradise . . . Snorkeling in the White Hole . . . My Trip to a Very Sketchy Neighborhood in Search of a Digital Camera ...

In my last post, I mentioned that I met a lot of SAS kids on Saturday night . . . Well, Sunday, I think that Paradise Island became SAS Island. It is a common routine to just walk up to a college age kid and say, “SAS?” And, that automatically makes you friends. It’s like we’re all part of the same sorority or fraternity. The cool thing is that virtually no one knows anyone so you just join any group and are instantly accepted. I must have met a hundred kids and surprisingly, I probably remember about 30 of their names already. Everyone is very nice, unique, open minded, intelligent, and I hate to say it, but in the same boat as me (bad pun). Everyone is nervous and excited. The energy is just absolutely amazing. I have met and hung out with tons of great people already and I just can’t wait to spend the next four months getting to know people even better. I can already understand what people mean when they talk about meeting life long friends on this trip. So yesterday was spent hanging with new friends at the waterslides, pools, and with a bottle of 151 Rum playing “I Never” until late into the night. I did spend some time having dinner with my family at a very nice restaurant called Fathoms. The walls of the restaurant were all an aquarium with tons of marine life and the food was excellent. Then we explored “The Dig” which is a little aquarium exhibit that The Atlantis has. It is supposed to be the underwater ruins of Atlantis and is surrounded by lots of unique marine life. It was actually really really cool, especially at night with all the tanks lit up. Some of my favorite parts were a dark tank with black lights filled with jelly fish, a tank that had eels (which were so weird and scary looking), and another tank with sea horses.

This morning at 7:30 a.m. (after about four hours of sleep), I was awoken so that we could go on a snorkeling trip. We boarded a Catamaran and took an hour long drive to a reef called the White Hole because a boat had crashed there and made a hole in the reef. We all got geared up in goggles, fins, and life vests and jumped into the water. The snorkeling was very good and we saw a lot of neat fish. My favorite were big schools of large purple fish and these very colorful large rainbow fish. My least favorite were the jelly fish that swam a little too close for comfort. There were these little yellow fish that kept coming awfully close to the surface and I was a little freaked out that they were going to touch me. After a while, I started to get sea sick because of all the waves from passing boats, so I went back on the Catamaran. On our hour long ride back to the resort, the gentle sailing of the boat, the mellow American music on the stereo, the warm sun, and the strong cooling wind, lulled me into a short, but much needed nap right in the net at the front of the catamaran. It was kind of a surreal feeling when I woke up and realized where I was. I felt like the little kid who falls asleep in the corner after playing too hard . . . (Wendy??? *wink*)

AND . . . I would have loved to have had pictures of it all . . . BUT . . . as you all know from the entry before this, my camera broke on Saturday afternoon. Since the stores were closed on Sunday and I had snorkeling first thing on Monday, Monday afternoon was the first chance that I had to go look for a new camera. So, after I returned from snorkeling, I hopped in a cab and headed to Radio Shack. Let me just tell you that once you get outside of the big hotels, Paradise Island looks more like Ghetto Island. Seriously, the truth of the matter is that The Bahamas are a very poverty stricken place under all the glitz of the tourism industry. And, I know that this is just the beginning of the poverty that I will see. I have a feeling that by the time I’m done with this trip, I will have a whole new idea of what poverty really is. Anyways, Radio Shack had a whopping four digital cameras to choose from and they were all crap. I was on the verge of tears thinking that I wouldn’t get a camera. I was already extremely upset about missing out on all the great photo ops for the past 36 hours. Anyone who knows me, will understand my frustration. Taking pictures is the highlight of any vacation or event for me. It's the only souvenir I really have to have. The Radio Shack employee suggested a store called John Bull may have a better selection. So, I had the cab driver drive me five minutes further from paradise to the John Bull store. It was located in a very “local” strip mall. However, the store itself was very luxurious. There was a security guard at the door and the sales girls were dressed in suits. Luckily, they had about ten cameras to choose from. So, I got the best one that they had which was a 6.3 megapixal Fuji. Of course, it wasn’t cheap. I spent $695 for the camera and two 512 memory cards. At first I was really upset about the amount that I had spent, but when I got the camera home and started playing with it, I started to feel better. I think that I am going to like it better than my old Sony. So, I’m feeling a little better about blowing $695 in the blink of an eye. At least it appears that I may have upgraded for all the expense and frustration. All I have to say is THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for all the monetary donations and birthday gifts that I received before I left. And, if anything happens to this camera, I’m going overboard.

Anyways, after the camera shopping spree, we went into Nassau to shop at the straw market. I bought WAY too much. I am going to have to learn to be a smarter shopper on this trip. Then, we had a couple of drinks at Senior Frogs. Then, my mom and step-dad left for the parents’ reception on the ship and my brother and sister and I returned to hotel. So, I’m just going to finish typing this and then start getting myself together. I am meeting some friends in the lobby at 7 a.m. tomorrow morning. I am in the first group and we are supposed to board the ship between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. It will take me a while to get myself together tonight and then I’m hoping to take a bath (it will be my last for four months) and get to bed early. This is my greatest hope for the evening. We’ll see . . . Cross your fingers for me. It’s really happening tomorrow!!! I am starting to get excited although it still hasn’t hit me that it’s really happening. Another thing that I can’t quite wrap my mind around is that I start school again in two days. Now talk about a kill joy . . . Anyways, you know that I'll be in touch soon . . .

* I updated my photos link to add my Bahamas photos, however, since you know the whole story and I'm totally rushing right now, take them with a huge grain of salt. I promise better in the future.

** I totally give up on you people as far as signing my message board. I get tons of e-mails and I see that I'm getting between 50-100 hits a day (so unless it's just my dad looking 50-100 times a day, there are alot of you reading this). Anyways, I'll give you all one more chance before I dismantle the message board idea. There is a link on the top right hand corner of this page. Don't let me down!!!

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Bumb Number 6,246 in the Road . . . But Still Having a Great Time . . .

Ok. So before I left, I debated endlessly over whether I should get a new digital camera or not. In the end, I decided that buying a new camera was pointless since I couldn't really get anything better without going up in size and that wasn't something that I wanted to do. Well, yesterday my digital camera completely pooped out. A couple of weeks ago, the zoom started acting a little funny and yesterday the motor completely went out. So, here I am, two days before a trip around the world, with no camera. And, to make matters even more fun, any electronic store that does exist on this Island is closed on Sunday. So, I will be scrambling tomorrow (the day before my trip starts) to find a new camera. Fun, fun.

But, you know what, I am still having an awesome time. I know it's hard to believe with all my bitching, but I'm just using this board as an outlet to vent (in a completely sarcastic, ironic way). I promise to bring more positivity to this board soon. On that note, the weather has been gorgeous here and we have been having tons of fun in the sun. Last night I met about 60 SAS kids in the lobby of the hotel and stood around talking for hours. Everyone was really cool, nice, and completely having the same excitement and fears as me. Supposedly everyone is planning to meet in the lobby at 9 for the next two nights. There will be even more people arriving in the next couple of days. So, it looks like I'll meet a lot of people before even getting on the ship. ***Too bad I can't take pictures. Just had to throw that in.*** Anyways, I'm off to the beach now. And tomorrow, I have a snorkeling trip at 9 a.m. and then I am off to search up a camera. I'll keep you updated.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

We've Arrived on Paradise (Island) . . .

I just wanted to drop a quick line to let everyone know that our Delta flight through Atlanta went off without a hitch and we arrived in the Bahamas at around 1:30 in the afternoon yesterday. We (my mom, step-dad, brother, and sister) are staying in the beautiful Atlantis Resort on Paradise Island until I board my ship on Tuesday morning. The Atlantis Resort has a Mayan/Lost World of Atlantis theme and the best way that I can describe it is as the Disney World of the Bahamas. It is amazing, but incredibly touristy and expensive!!! Yesterday was beautiful and sunny without a cloud in the sky and we spent the day exploring the hotel and taking in the sunshine. There is literally miles of beautiful beach front with aqua blue waters, seven water slides, and dozens of pools. Many of the pools in the water scape are filled with marine life. The Atlantis Resort boasts the biggest marine life habitat in the world. In fact, there is a lagoon with sharks that snakes by right outside my bedroom door. I can literally look out the patio door and see a shark fin swimming by ten feet away from my room. Anyways, we had a little rain this morning, but it's stopped now and the sun is coming out. I'm planning to spend the day resting at the beach and the pools. I got the best night's sleep that I've had in weeks last night and my cold is subsiding a little. I'm looking forward to getting more r&r these next three days so that I'll be all ready to start my adventure on Tuesday . . . Anyways, I'm getting off the internet now so that I can go enjoy the sunshine. I will try to send an update before I board the ship and post my Bahamas pictures in my photo section. Until then, I'm off to enjoy Paradise . . .

*Don't forget to sign my guest book. There is a link in the top right hand corner of this page.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Clear Skies Ahead?

It's 4:30 in the morning on Friday. We just got up to get ready to leave for the airport. I came on the computer to check out flight status. It looks like both our flights are on time and running smoothly. If all goes well, we will touch down on Nassau at just after 1:38 this afternoon. Keep your fingers crossed.

P.S. On another note, I got absolutely no sleep last night, even with the p.m. cold medicine I took. I just work up about every 20 minutes of the 5 hours I laid in bed. Once I get to Nassau and everything is settled and there's no running around left to do, I'm going to find a hammock and pass out for about 24 hours. And then, I'm going to come on here and update of course . . .

Thursday, August 25, 2005

10 Hours to Go . . . HOPEFULLY . . .

Let me set the scene:

With 16 hours until my flight to the Bahamas was "supposed" to take off, I was just finishing getting ready to head out to my family's house and to get ready for our 6 a.m. flight the next morning. After all the months of planning and hard work, I was finally starting to feel ready and prepared. I had all my immunizations, my passport and visas, I had said my goodbyes to pretty much everyone, partied off my butt with all my buddies (insert - I already had a headache when I woke up), packed up all my belongings and tucked them away so that the girl who is subleting my room could move in, and last but not least accomplished the greatest thing of all, the thing that had given me nightmares for months, I had completed packing. So, I was feeling pretty confident and starting to get over my nervousness and pre-homesickness and get excited about heading to the Bahamas, when, the phone rang . . . The following is a short, not completely verbatim reenactment of the conversation that was had . . .

Amber (also known as the dumbfounded, mistreated consumer): Hmmm . . . I don't know this number . . . Hello?
Nasty Ticket Agent at Spirit Air (henceforth known as "NTA"): Hello. I'm calling to tell you that your flight to the Bahamas has been cancelled for tomorrow.
Amber: What? Why?
Roommate enters: What's going on?
Amber: I have no idea. It's my airline saying they are canceling my flight.
Roommate: Oh no, oh, there's the hurricane over there . . .
NTA: Ma'am, do you want us to be unsafe? It's not our fault.
Amber: What NTA? I wasn't even talking to you. I had no idea there was a hurricane. There's a hurricane?
NTA: Well, Ma'am. Do you? Do you want us to be unsafe? You didn't know there was a hurricane? It's not my responsibility to inform you about the hurricane.
Amber: (thinking - what is going on? why is this NTA yelling at me? I'm so confused. This isn't happening.) (Going to my calm place - deep breath)Well, when will we be able to fly?
NTA: Maybe tomorrow afternoon, maybe Saturday morning.
Amber: Ok, when is the next flight we can get on with you then?
NTA: September 1st.
Amber: Oh no!!! September 1st?!? But, my boat is leaving on August 30th? There are no Spirit flights between now and then available? You aren't going to add extra flights?
NTA: Ma'am. The flights are all booked up. People book these flights a year in advance (impatient tone).
Amber: HELLO NTA!!! That's me!!! I booked this flight months ago! Look how well being prepared worked for me. (Ok, I didn't say this and I never called her the NTA, but I was sure thinking it!)

****moral of the story - don't fly Spirit Air. It's not their fault that there was a hurricane (although I'd really like to put the whole thing on the NTA) but THEY JUST DON'T SEEM TO CARE!!!***

So, that is the important part of the conversation. Here's the deal, there's a hurricane that's just left the Bahamas and heading towards Florida. Well, it's good news that it's left the Bahamas, but the bad news is that virtually every single flight that goes to the Bahamas stops in Florida first. That's why our flight was cancelled - not because our destination was the Bahamas but because we had a plane change in Fort Lauderdale airport, which is now closed.

So as you can imagine, the rest of my day was filled with stress and trying to figure out what to do next. Well, finally around 5 p.m. my mom and I decided to try to take a flight out tomorrow morning that stopped in Atlanta, Georgia instead of Florida. So, as of right now, we have a flight scheduled on Delta for 7:20 a.m., scheduled to arrive in Nassau at 1:38 with a brief stop in Atlanta. Of course booking five flights with no advance purchase knocked the bill up several hundred dollars. But, hopefully, if this all works out, we'll be in this Bahamas by this time tomorrow knocking back rum drinks and laughing at this situation. So, please, please, please keep your fingers crossed for us.

On a final note, I would like to just thank everyone for their support. It blows my mind how much support I have received, from my friends, family, and from people I have never even met. Thank you all for your thoughts, well wishes, e-mails, cards, gifts, and to those who made the extra effort to see me before I left. I appreciate it all more than you know. I have also been completely overwhelmed by the response that this blog has already received. I have literally had hundreds of visitors in the last couple of days. I know there are a lot of people watching. I guess that I'll have to go out there and have lots of adventures to make this blog interesting (once I get out of Chicago anyways)!

Well, ready or not, here I go . . . HOPEFULLY!!!

*p.s. I just added a message board. It's at the top right hand corner of this page. Please, please sign it to let me know who's visiting!

*p.s.s. Great news!!! I just finished weighing in my bags. The two big ones can be 70 lbs each and the carry on can be 40 lbs. After dragging them around all day, I was sure they were going to be too heavy. But, I just finished weighing them and they pass with a 60, 40, and 36. YES!!! Things are back on track!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

A Little About Me

About Me

Name: Amber
Age: 22
Birthday: September 17, 1982 (Virgo)
School: Saint Xavier University, Chicago
Major: Accounting
Graduation Date: December 18, 2005 (Semester at Sea is my last undergrad semester)
Hometown: Chicago, Illinois (I'm currently living on the 14th floor of a mid-rise apartment in East Lakeview with two roommates, Mandy and Kristen)
Favorite things: skirts, flowers, margaritas, anything purple, and any city (especially Chicago) lit up at night
Hobbies: traveling (duh!), reading, writing, working out, photography, and most importantly spending time with my friends, family, and boyfriend.
Plans for after SAS: I am going to be staying in San Diego until December 11th. After that I will be coming back to Chicago and catching up with my friends and family and meeting the new members (two babies will be born while I'm gone). I will graduate from SXU on December 18th and start a job as an assurance associate (auditor) at an international accounting firm in Chicago on January 2nd. And, that is my short term plan in a nut shell.

A Little About Semester At Sea

About Semester At Sea

For those of you who haven't had the pleasure of hearing me babble on about Semester at Sea by now (and I can't imagine that's many of you), I'll try to sum the program up for you through a set of basic Q&A's.

What is Semester at Sea?
Semester at Sea is an academic program sponsored by the University of Pittsburg and The Institute for Shipboard Education. The idea is that over 600 students, dozens of faculty and staff (and some of their families), and a handful of adult (senior) passengers from around the country board a ship and embark on an educational journey around the world, stopping at 10 different ports on three continents.

What countries are you going to?
On our voyage we will be leaving from Nassau, Bahamas on August 30th and stopping in Venezuela, Brazil, South Africa, Kenya, India, Myanmar, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Japan, and Honolulu, Hawaii (just for a brief 1 day stopover to refuel and stretch our legs) finally returning to San Diego, California on December 7th.

So, what does this trip have to do with school? How do you get academic credit for this?
On the days that we are on the ship, sailing from country to country (about 56 days), we take classes almost every single day (even the weekends). Every member of the shipboard community is required to take Global Studies, which is a class that meets every day while at sea and helps prepare us for each country by giving us historical and cultural information about the country we are about to visit. In addition, each student must sign up for 3 or 4 additional courses, which each meet every other sea day (on an A/B day block schedule). In order to graduate, I need a science and a religion, so I'm taking Global Studies (required), Environmental Geology (to fulfill my science requirement), Asian Religions (to fulfill my religion requirement), and Liturature of Travel (just for fun!). My schedule is set up so that on A days, I have class from 8 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. and on B days, I have class from 9:30 a.m. until 2 p.m. Notice that I left alot of time for afternoon sunbathing!!!

Besides the Global Studies course and our other courses, there are many other ways that Semester at Sea prepares us to get the most of each stop while on board. Before each port, native students or scholars of the coming port board the ship and speak and interact with the shipboard community, providing background and information on their home country. They participate in a pre-port meeting/preparation sessions before arrival in port. In addition, once we reach each port, an official comes aboard the ship and briefs us on the current state of affairs and safety and logistical issues in the country.

What do you do when you are in port? Do you get to stay on the ship? Do you have class?
When we get to each country, we get between 4-6 days there to do whatever we want. We can sign up for and participate in SAS sponsored trips or we can travel independently. We can sleep and eat on the ship or we can leave the ship for the whole time we are docked. There are no classes while we are in port, however, work done based on our visit in each port, comprises at least 20% of our classroom grade for each course we are enrolled in. SAS offers many sponsored trips (called field programs) including multi-day tourist trips, day trips, city orientations, faculty hosted field practicia (which are more course oriented/educational trips led by faculty members with a certain course in mind), university visits, homestays (with local families), and service visits (to schools, orphanages, shanty towns, etc.). I have registered for only three big SAS trips, one to the rainforest in Venezuela, one for a safari to Tanzania from Kenya, and one for a trip to the Taj Mahal (Agra) and Varanasi in India. I also plan to register for some service projects, home stays, and university visits along the way (which are supposed to be the "real" cultural/learning experiences). Besides that, I am looking forward to the excitment and flexability of traveling independently in each country.

Are the places that you are going to safe? Aren't they having problems in ______? YES dad!!! (Seriously dad, this is for you) I will be perfectly safe. Semester at Sea has been around for a long time and our safety is their first concern. They have a history of rerouting itineraries if current conditions in a scheduled stop become dangerous. For example, they diverted the summer trip to Paris instead of going to London due to the terrorist attacks, which had happened quite a while before their arrival.

Yes, they may be having some problems in some of the country's we will be visiting. However, look at our country from a foreigner's point of view. We have problems too and they are magnified to foreigners just like theirs are magnified to us! If you want to read all the details about SAS's safety plans/procautions, you can follow this link Just rest assured that I will be very careful and will make sure to stay in touch so that you all don't worry too much! Life is too short to be afraid of living!

Port Addresses - Please Send Mail!!!

Good news! You can send me good old fashioned snail mail while I traverse the globe (*hint, hint). You know I'd do it for you (*did my guilt trip work?). And, if you send me mail, I'll send you mail(*how about bribary?)! Anyways, I am listing the addresses and mailing deadlines below for each port. I would be very very excited and greatful to receive mail from anyone who would be so kind. If you are going to send mail, use Global Airmail or it will never make it to me on time. An airmail stamp is 60 cents for a regular envelope (letter or card size) and if you want to send a larger business size envelope/package, they are $9 for as much as you can stuff into them. Please, Please don't send anything that can't be replaced in case it gets lost in transit. Ok, I'm done pleading my case. I tried. Here are the addresses:

Amber Keeney
C/O MV Explorer
Arrive: September 3rd
Rovelli Maritima, S.A.
Avenida Soublette, Terminal de Pasajeros
Puerto La Guaira, Oficina H-5
Maiquetia, Estado Vargas

Mail by: August 20th

Amber Keeney
C/O MV Explorer
Arrive: September 13th
Oceanus Agencia Maritima
Av. Estados Unidos, 555
7th Floor/Room 712
40015-010 Salvador
Mail by: August 30th

South Africa
Amber Keeney
C/O MV Explorer
Arrive: September 26th
John T. Rennie & Sons
PO Box 702
1 Thibault House
8000 Cape Town
Mail by: September 12th

Amber Keeney
C/O MV Explorer
Arrive: October 7th
Inchcape Shipping Services
Inchcape House, Archbishop Makarios Cls
PO Box 90194
Off Moi Avenue
Mombasa, KENYA
Mail by: September 16th

Amber Keeney
C/O MV Explorer
Arrive: October 19th
J.M. Baxi & CO.
3rd Floor, Clive Battery Complex
4 & 4A, Rajaji Salai
Chennai-600 001, INDIA
Mail by: October 5th

Amber Keeney
C/O MV Explorer
Arrive: October 26th
Mail by: October 12th

Amber Keeney
C/O MV Explorer
Arrive: November 5th
General Forwarding & Agency
5th Floor Osic Building
8 Nguyen Hue Avenue
D. 1, Ho Chi Minh City
Mail by: October 22nd

Hong Kong
Amber Keeney
C/O MV Explorer
Arrive: November 12th
Inchcape Shipping Services (HK) Ltd.
Units 1802-1805, 18th Floor
No. 3 Lockhard Road
Mail by: October 29th

Amber Keeney
C/O MV Explorer
Arrive: November 20th
Inchcape Shipping Services
11-2 Shinko-cho, Chuo-ku
KOBE-shi, Hyogo-ken 650 0041
Mail by: November 5th

Amber Keeney
C/O MV Explorer
Arrive: October 26th
Mail by:

Monday, August 15, 2005



Fly From Chicago to Nassau, Bahamas - August 26

Board Ship and Depart From Nassau, Bahamas - August 30th, 1700

LaGuaira, Venezuela - September 3rd-6th

Salvador, Brazil - September 13th-17th

Cape Town, South Africa - September 26th - 30th

Mombasa, Kenya - October 7th-11th

Chennai, India - October 19th-23rd

Yangon, Myanmar - October 26th - 31st

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam - November 5th-10th

Hong Kong - November 12th-16th

Kobe, Japan - November 20th-23rd

Honolulu, Hawaii - December 1st

Arrive in San Diego, California, USA on December 7th, 0800

Thursday, August 11, 2005

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