Amber's Crazy Super Super Senior Year Around the World!!!

Monday, September 04, 2006

Take Three . . . In Buenos Aires again . . .

Returned to Quito for Saturday night. Seb took me out to celebrate my departure - dinner, Champagne, clubbing. It was a very rock star night that didn't end until the morning. Then, last night, onto yet another plane to return to Buenos Aires, yet again. This time just for one night to retrive my things and catch my flight home to Chicago.

After an overnight plane ride, I've arrived in Buenos Aires this morning . . . for the third time. Each arrival has been so different. The first time I arrived, in January, I was full of excitement and scared to death of the big, foriegn city where I didn't speak the language. When I returned from my impromptu trip in late June, the city felt sad to me. The weather was growing colder, I had no more classes (thus purpose), and many friends had left the city or were on their way out. This time, as well, has its own feel. The weather has grown very chilly. It's only 30 degrees F (0 degrees C). It reminds me of the dry, brisk air of late autumn, early winter at home. And, something about returning to this city, even though all the people I was close with have long gone and I have no particular thing to do here, somehow feels like coming home. I've come back to the hostel that I stayed at in June. It's also comforting with it's warm, starbucks like reception/bar/dinning room/lounge, friendly people, mellow but trendy music, and big comfy couches. It's only 830 in the morning here. I am waiting until 11 to see if I can get a private room. So, I'm hanging out in the main room and taking advantage of the wireless connection. They've told me to help myself to breakfast. The breakfast here is the best I've ever had at a hostel. So, I'm going to go have breakfast now.

What am I going to do here? Hmmmm . . . Well, I'm going to wait to get my room. Then, I'm going to get back my suitcases that I left here. Hopefully, I will have a private room and I can open everything and repack. The errands I want to do while I'm here is shipping things home and getting my hair done. Besides that, I'm going to relax and maybe do a nice dinner out and a walk in the cemetary in Recoletta between the next two days. My plane home leaves tomorrow night at 9:30, and I'll be home for good on Wednesday, late morning.

This is truly the last stop of my crazy adventure of a year. It's a bit sad, but I am ready to go home . . . I am so looking forward to it.


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