Amber's Crazy Super Super Senior Year Around the World!!!

Friday, June 30, 2006

I´m in Valparaiso, Chile right now. Had a fabulous day with the guys in Mendoza which began and ended with loads of champagne and red wine (we had momosas for breakfast, a champagne vineyard, a wine vineyard, and then went to a wine tasting event). Then, I pretty much spent the day on the bus to Santiago and then to Valparaiso (which felt horrible after all the champagne and wine from the day before). I met Seb there in the evening and we hung out and had dinner and drinks. Today was spent running from bank to bank. First, trying to get the money that we needed (to pay for the trip) in Pesos and then trying to convert them to Euros. It was quite a hassle, but we have a good chunk of the money sorted now. Hopefully, we´ll get the rest all finished up in the morning. As it turns out, we´re still 7 hours away from our meeting point and we´re supposed to be there tomorrow afternoon. I just can´t wait to be finished with all this admin in the middle of the ocean, sailing . . .


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