Amber's Crazy Super Super Senior Year Around the World!!!

Monday, August 14, 2006

On Dry Land . . . AT LAST!!!

I´m back on dry land . . . FINALLY!!! We made it to San Cristobal (Galapogas) on Saturday. It is a really relaxed, modern, barely-touristy, inexpensive island. I have only explored the town and the nearby beaches (filled with sea lions) so far. But, all the real wildless is outside of the city, and I am going to start trekking with the group tomorrow.

The sailing has been really terrific. It was a huge challenge to learn so much information in such a sort amount of time. And, to be blunt, the Captain of the ship can be a self-rightous jerk, pasta and rice can really wear at your nerves when you eat them every day without much else, and waking up at odd hours of the night every night to do a 2 hour night watch can be tiring. But, in the end, there is you and the ocean. And, I have loved it.

But, I will write all about it later. I am not quite ready to fall back into the pattern of technology. I have quite enjoyed the disconnection (although, I have missed everyone). I just want to spend some time enjoying myself for a couple days. Then, I will write all about my adventures on the high sea!


At 10:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good to see you have arrived safely. Looking forward to the descriptions.

a04 and a05


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