Amber's Crazy Super Super Senior Year Around the World!!!

Monday, September 04, 2006

The Clock Ticks Down . . .

It took 3 HOURS to repack my suitcases. Pushing. Proding. Squeezing. Fighting. And, leaving a whole suitcases worth of things behind. And, I finally got it all packed into three suitcases. I just hope I'm not over the wieght limit!

Anyways, that took up most of my day. And, tonight, I've decided to just stay in the nice cozy, comfy, WARM hostel. I went to a nice deli and got things for a nice little three course dinner (cheese and olives, pasta with broccoli, and strawberries) and a bottle of wine. I've barely slept the last couple of nights, so I suspect I'll call it an early night.

Then tomorrow night, I'm going home . . . It's a really really strange, unbelieveable feeling. After all this time, this is the end.


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