Amber's Crazy Super Super Senior Year Around the World!!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Wednesday Again . . . Ahhhhh . . .

Well, aren’t I terrible. I haven’t written in sooooooooooooo long. Strangely not that much has happened. It’s been super hot here for the last several days. I spent all day Friday (ditched class) and Sunday laying out, swimming, and picnicking with Ben at his club. I love it there. It’s so nice to get outside the city and just play. The heat isn’t a lot of fun when you’re trekking around the city. But, getting in a lounger, by a pool, in a bikini makes all the difference in the world.

Saturday CEA took us to the Tigre. It’s about an hour outside the city. Basically it’s a river resort town. It was really pretty there. It pretty much reminded me of any popular lake resort area in the U.S. - lots of boats, cute houses, and people vacationing. We did a boat ride, lunch, and walk around a market. It was a beautiful sunny day. I had a lot of fun.

Well, between all my days in the sun and my doctor recommended (no prescriptions necessary here) medication, my white spots are all but gone and I have a very very deep tan.

Besides that, I’ve had my Spanish classes every day. I really want to learn, but it’s so overwhelming and frustrating. I haven’t been able to bring myself to study much. The session actually ends next week. We have our exam on Thursday. I’m going to have to do a lot of studying. I’m not going to worry too much about it. Either way, I’m going to get my credits – which I don’t need anyways.

I finally joined a gym. I was between three choices. I ended up going with the midrange one. It costs 70 pesos (about $23) a month but it’s very nice. I went for the last two days. I think that I’m going to take today off.

Had planned to go out of town to a beach for the weekend with the CEA gang. However, it seems that accommodations are booked up and everyone has decided not to go. Two guys in my group are going anyways. I’m thinking about tagging along with them. Either way, I think that I’m going to head out of town. I feel the need to explore more. I really don’t have a big problem doing it on my own if necessary. Coincidently, Ben is on leave for two weeks, thus, is heading out of town for ten days or so. I may try to meet up with him next weekend.

The one thing that has been bothering me is that I feel like I haven’t been being social enough with the CEA gang. They are all nice. But, I don’t feel like I really click with anyone in the gang – not like my SAS pals. Hopefully, I will start to make more friends in my classes. I’m starting to feel like I’m too old for college and the people who go there. I recognize that I’ve been spending a bit too much time with Ben. But, everyone knows how that goes with new relationships. But, him being gone for a while will give me a good opportunity to go out more with other people.

Anyways, that’s about all the news I can think of for now. I’ll keep you updated on what I do this weekend.



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