Amber's Crazy Super Super Senior Year Around the World!!!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Bon Voyage . . .

Hola everyone,

It looks like well finally be off tomorrow - after nine days of prep work. Weve spent 3 days onboard learning the fundamentals of sailing the boat. And, the other days weve spent doing prep work on land. The Captain has been very busy preparing the boat. Its a huge job, and Im excited to learn all about it. And yet, after all this time, I still feel like I have things Id like to finish up here. Theres never enough time!!! But, Im quite looking forward to the removal from technology. Really, I need a break. This is not SAS - no internet - not even at 40 cents a minute!!! Once were out there, its just us and the ocean. Im really excited to get out on the water again, this time really participating in the journey. Almost a year ago, I started this adventure on the sea, and somehow, Ive come back to it in the end. Well, hopefully the next time you hear from me (in about a month), Ill be a calm, tanned sailor, whose done a bit of studying for her CPA exam.

Best wishes to everyone while Im gone - especially to Sarah and Scott for their wedding (know Ill be thinking of you). Dont worry about me. Ill be having the time of my life on the Columbia (SSR 26345 (British)).

Thank you for the well wishes.

Amber (smiles!!!)

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Well, we were supposed to set off sailing today, but here we are, firmly on dry land . . . It is incredible how much goes into preparing for a 6 week trip like this. We have been doing alot of shopping for supplies and getting to know each other. Yesterday, we got to go out on the boat and train all day. It was beautiful, sunny weather and amazing fun! We learned some basic nautical knots, how to coil rope (yes, this is a process), and how to hoist and lower sails. It is going to be really challenging work. But, I am going to learn so much and love being out on the ocean so much! It just makes me feel so alive in such an uncomplicated way. When we stopped for dinner around 5, we were all beat. I really could have just climbed into one of the bunks and been set for the night. But, we had to go back into town to our hotel. So, did some shopping, a bit more eating, and watched a movie on my lap top. It looks like we will be taking off in a few days - maybe Saturday or Sunday. Today we had a free day. I got some things done, but not as much as I wanted (OF COURSE!!!). Tomorrow is another day of training on the ship.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Been in Coquimbo for a couple of days now . . . Met the crew yesterday. Two brittish guys, two Italian guys, and a girl from Hong Kong. We spent the day on Rob´s boat - finalizing details and going over safety procedures. It was a beautiful sunny day. It made me really excited to get sailing. Then, spent the evening with the crew with dinner and several bottles of wine. Today, we all went shopping for supplies. I still need alot of stuff. And, I feel like I have so much to do. But, it´s coming together. Sebs and I got the rest of our Euros today. So, that´s a relief. Finally finished with that!!! Looks like we´ll be setting sail on Wednesday or Thursday . . . I´ll write more before.

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