Amber's Crazy Super Super Senior Year Around the World!!!

Sunday, September 17, 2017

One Blog Ends, Another Begins...

Hello Universe,

Imagine my surprise when I logged on and saw the site counter had almost half a million views! Who are you?!

I absolutely loved writing and posting this blog. It was an impactful part of my journey and I still meet relatives of other SAS students at weddings that tell me how much they enjoyed reading my stories and sharing in my adventure.

The reason that I chose to revisit this blog now is that I'm launching a new blog Thirty Five Stories and I wanted to invite you all to come along for the adventure. I don't think you'll be surprised to find that my wanderlust has stayed with me 12 years later...

Also, a special, long over due, post below...


When getting ready to post the above, I found this final blog entry that I never posted / finished. I thought it was time I set it lose into the universe...

I've been home for almost 3 weeks now, and I still haven't posted a wrap up. But, how do I wrap up this last year in a single blog entry? Every experience that I've had over the past 13 months has been so unique. So, I default that if you want to know how my trip was, you'll have to read about the 16 countries I visited in this blog. I can't possibly tell you in a sentence what my favorite one was or what my best or worst experience was.

So, I guess the next thing to talk about is how home is. That's difficult to say as well. I can tell you that I'm very happy to be home. I love spending time with my family and my friends, and I am enjoying my new job (even despite the 5:30 wake up calls I had last week). But, I haven't exactly settled myself into a routine yet. I have this vauge sense that at any moment it's time for me to move on (wanderlust?). But, I like that I know I'm not. This is my life now. The people, things, and places around me will be there for a while. And, I like that feeling.

Things are different than when I left, and so am I. Some things I can pin point - such as my friends and even family members all seem to be a bit more wrapped up in relationships, work, and school, thus, have less free time. As for how I've changed, I can't say exactly. But, I know I appreciate things and people more.

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